Books By Me
1975 Tablet Weaving, Ann Sutton and Pat Holtom, Batsford UK
1982 The Craft of the Weaver, Ann Sutton, Peter Collingwood, Geraldine St. Aubyn Hubbard, BBC Publications UK
1982 The Structure of Weaving, Ann Sutton, Hutchinson UK
1984 Tartans, Ann Sutton and Richard Carr, Bellew Publishing UK
1985 British Craft Textiles, Ann Sutton, Wm. Collins & Sons UK
1985 Colour and Weave, Ann Sutton, Bellew Publishing UK, Lark USA
1987 The Textiles of Wales, Ann Sutton, Bellew Publishing UK
1989 Ideas in Weaving, Ann Sutton and Diane Sheehan , USA Batsford UK, Lark USA
1990 Falcot’s Weave Companion, Ann Sutton ( Ed. and foreword ) Anne Satow ( translation), Bellew Publishing UK
Books About Me
2004 Ann Sutton, Diane Sheehan USA , Susan Tebby, Lund Humphries UK
1980 The Craft of the Weaver, Written and presented by Ann Sutton, 5-part TV series BBC UK